Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Who's the Prince?

No, I'm not talking about Prince William. Nor am I talking about the singer Prince who gave us classics such as "When Doves Cry." But recently I've heard a lot of talk about who the next "King of Pop" is now that Michael Jackson is, well, dead.

I've seen Usher's name tossed around, but I don't think he is as big of a figure in the public's eye as MJ was. He remains out of controversy and scandal.  Granted I don't think this is necessary, but I honestly don't feel like he is as recognizable as other artists. He isn't able to produce as string of hits on a single album, he's lucky to get one or two now.

Then there's the people that think Justin Timberlake is the answer. This, I understand. His career has a lot of parallels to MJ's. He got his start when he was young, he was in a boy band, his life is followed by the media. And if he kept things going at this pace he'd be a serious contender. However, he's focused on acting now. It's been 5 years since his last album and there's no news of a new one. If he wants to remain relevant, he need to get in the studio.

Then, we have Chris Brown. His life is definitely captured in tabloids and the public's eye. However, he's just getting started really, but I do see him being popular for at least a couple more years. The biggest difference between the two is Breezy is featured in a lot of songs or features a lot of artists in his songs, which MJ never did. However, that's way you gotta do now, so it might just be him adapting to the times.

Then there are people that thing Just Bieber is the answer. No. Just no. I don't really think we can predict who the next MJ is, but I do think he's alive. And I think he's making music now. But you never know, it could be one of the (plausible) three listed above.

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