Thursday, September 15, 2011

Haterade: LL Cool J

Here's a video from some new B2K wannabes named Mindless Behavior. Because they are young hoodlums, the video takes place in school. In the video LL Cool J plays the teacher, and he demonstrates no control over the class. He is making a mockery of the US education system. In fact, at 1:11 you can see him texting.

Throughout the video, his students invite themselves to the front of the classroom and begin dancing. Why does he allow this? Doesn't he have a lesson to teach. AND, the French girl in the video has a loaf of bread in her hands. Doesn't Mr. Cool J know that kids are not allowed to have food in class? This is a horrible video that makes me doubt the public education system, and LL Cool J is to blame.

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