Saturday, July 16, 2011

Featuring...No One

Umbrella is one of my favorite songs of the past decade. I rarely listen to it on my iPod any more, but when it comes on the radio I turn it up. But something's always missing. While this is Rihanna's song, it does also feature Jay Z.

I've noticed that a lot of radio stations are editing out certain artists that are featured in the song. I'm not really sure why they do this, but it ruins the song. When play music on the radio, people want familiarity. They want to be able to sing along, and the void where the featured artist should be is really unappealing. Here's some other examples of what I'm talking about:

California Girls without Snoop Dogg
On the Floor without Pitbull
Just Dance without Colby O'Donnis
All of the Lights without Fergie
Bow Chika Wow Wow without Lil Wayne

It's really a pain, and I think it ruins the song. Song were recorded a certain way for a reason.

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