Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why Ke$ha Is Better

I feel like every time I turn on the radio, I hear this girl's music. It's fun, contagious, but not particularly outstanding. Despite the lack of a deeper meaning, I feel Ke$ha is providing her fans with something other artists aren't: legitimacy.

Take a look at the other artists that are popular today. Beyonce has a bunch of songs about finding love or nasty break ups, but she's married to Jay-Z. Britney Spears is doing alright nowadays, but her career began as an innocent Disney girl that sang racy songs. Katy Perry came from a sheltered Catholic background, and did not kiss a girl. Lady Gaga places WAAAAAY too much emphasis on controversial topics such as religion or homosexuality, and I find that hard to relate to. And Rihanna is the biggest hypocrite of them all. Just listen to Take a Bow and Unfaithful.

The bulk of Ke$ha's songs are about being a drunken slut, and I believe that Ke$ha is just that. While it might not be the best idea to glamorize this, at least I feel she's being real to herself. She's found her niche, and he fans cling to that. She song's aren't exceptional, but she knows what her fans want. That's what she has a constant string for top 10 hits. So as long of Ke$ha stays true to herself, I'll be listening.

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