Sunday, June 26, 2011

How Apple Changed My Life

Growing up, my household was loyal PC fans. Whenever my parents got a computer, it was a PC. I think we got our first desktop computer in 1995, and it had 1 GB of storage. As slow as the thing was, it was SICK. It actually ran pretty well, and we only got rid of it because it was so slow, but we did hold onto it for about 6 years.

At school, we used Apple Macintosh computers.
I don't know how old the computers were, but I entered the first grade in 1996, and these computers were there. I actually would compare the computer's interface to something like the iPhone's. The desktop was just icons of the programs we could use and nothing more. I hate giving my grammar school credit for teaching me anything, but they did teach me how to type and use a mouse on these computers. We had programs such as Mavis Beacon, Reader Rabbit, and the oh-so-practical Mouse Training. I hated computer class for the most part, but on occasion we'd get to play Oregon Trail. What a great game!

We used these computers up until I was in the 5th grade, and then the school upgraded to Dells. It was about time, because those old-school Macs didn't have the Internet on them. I know, it's hard to imagine a time without the Internet. From 2000-2004, Apple was out of my life.

It was in 2004 that I decided to be the cool kid on the block and get an iPod. I had another MP3 player before this, but I could not get the thing to work. Then, I got this:
A blue iPod mini. It held 1000 songs and worked with ease. For a couple months, I was the cool kid, and the only kid I knew with an iPod. But then, for the 2004 Christmas season, iPod sales spiked and EVERYONE had one. I was cool with it, because it made sense. iPod was so easy, and if the ease didn't sell you the commercials certainly would.

It wasn't until 2008 that I bought my first Mac. I was going into college and getting a laptop for graduation. My parents wanted me to get a PC, but I wanted a Mac. Honestly, the camera sold me on it. It took so many cool pictures! And 3 years later I don't regret the purchase. I've had zero software problems. In fact, one time a stress ball broke on my computer, and the Mac store blew out the sand from my computer for free. I like my disc drive due to that sandstorm, but it was my fault after all. The fact that the Mac store even put touched my coupler is a testament to their customer appreciation.

Now, I have an iPad. It has to be one of the most fun devices I've even owned. Not only does it make the Internet more portable than ever, but it doubles as an eReader. I'm just getting used to it, but it's been a fun ride thus far.

As you can see, I'm a true apple fan. I appreciate their loyalty to their customers, and their products are designed with the ease of use in mind. Sure, Apple's made some mistakes along the way but they've also made a lot of high-risk-high-reward moves. I may not buy everything with the Apple logo on it, but I certainly will be a future customer.

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