Monday, June 27, 2011

5 Foods That Make Me Love America

This weekend is the 4th of July weekend. While the country has a lot of domestic accomplishments to celebrate, I was wondering what foods make us unique. Other parts of the world eat rice in almost every dish, enjoy an abundance of canned meats, or eat nothing that's packed. So here's what America has made:

Chicken Nuggets

America didn't invent chicken, or fried chicken for that matter. We've just perfected it. Little pieces of fried goodness with a limitless number of dipping sauces. Delicious!

Peanut Butter & Jelly

This lunch time staple is about as American as they come. Unless you're allergic to peanut butter, you've probably had plenty of these as a kid. I feel bad for the other parts of the world that don't even have peanut butter.


Nothing goes better with French fries than American ketchup. Ketchup has earned its spot on restaurant tables right next to the salt and pepper. It's the most popular condiment, and it was almost considered a vegetable. Ketchup is great, but let's not push things.

Diet Soda
Soda's delicious, but also rather fattening. Not anymore! Only the Americans would add chemicals to this sweet treat to make it virtually nutrition free. My taste buds thank you America!

Macaroni and Cheese

Pasta with red sauce is Italian. Pasta with cheese is American. There's a number of ways to eat mac and cheese, and none of them are wrong.Whether it's boxed or baked, this American classic will be around for a while.

This blog is proof that I need to stop watching the Food Network. Now I'm hungry for some ketchup.

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