Sunday, May 15, 2011


For those of you that don't know Osama Bin Laden is dead. It happened like two weeks ago. If you don't know who Osama Bin Laden was, he was this mean terrorist with an ugly face.

The real victim in the whole situation was NeNe Leaks. When Osama died, the Celebrity Apprentice was interrupted, and we didn't get to see NeNe defend herself in the board room. Some other girl was fired. I don't really remember who it was, but she certainly wasn't memorable.

When the "Breaking News" announcement interrupted the show, some news anchor spoiled the whole thing before Obama even got to talk. By the time Obama was going to make his announcement I was already bored and went to bed. Here's what I didn't understand, why did prime time television need to be interrupted to make this announcement? It's not like Osama was going to rise from the dead. Homeboy was killed.

Fortunately, Osama had quiet a few wives. I predict that at least one will appear on an upcoming season of Celebrity Rehab.

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